Unearth Your Hidden Goals: Why Talking to a Financial Professional Helps


目标设定. It's the bread and butter of success across so many domains. 但你只是触及了表面吗? 的深入了解. A financial professional doesn't just help connect the dots; they can help you reveal additional possibilities you hadn’t even considered! 


1. 你从来不知道自己拥有的目标


我们都有隐藏的梦想. 但是那些你还没有做过的梦呢?

  • 认为大: Getting outside of your head and speaking with a professional can help unearth those big 目标 you never knew were buried inside you.
  • 具体的: 根据最近的研究, 73% of individuals discover new financial priorities when presented with a master list of 目标.1 It's not just about wealth; it's what wealth can do. 梦幻假期, 安全的退休生活, 甚至是去火星的宇宙飞船(好吧, 也许不是最后一个, 但你懂的。).

2. Prioritizing and Refining Goals: The Golden Touch


Once the 目标 are out in the open, it's time to prioritize.

  • 整理它们: 什么是紧急的? 什么是最重要的? A professional can help you prioritize what’s important. When you’re up close and emotionally involved in the planning process, 隐藏的偏见可能很难解释.
  • 改进,改进,再改进: 就像雕刻一件杰作, chisel away the excess to reveal a clearer vision of what’s possible and right for you.

3. 可能性的力量:为什么要限制自己?


The exposure to new ideas and possibilities is like a gust of fresh air in a stuffy room.

  • 新观点: It’s important to have a conversation with someone who has been exposed to many different perspectives, 场景, 目标, 和策略. A financial professional can help you see your financial landscape from angles you have yet to consider.
  • 无穷无尽的机会: What if you're limiting yourself without even knowing it? How would you know what’s possible with a little more forethought and planning? A financial professional can help you see beyond the obvious, encouraging you to explore and define a plan that works for you.


Setting financial 目标 is an essential step in achieving success, 但这并不一定是一段孤独的旅程. 

Engaging with a financial professional can help you discover and clarify hidden or unrefined financial aspirations you may have. 

It's more than just crunching numbers; it's about understanding your unique financial landscape and turning those numbers into actionable plans. 

Partner with a professional, and take a thoughtful, informed approach to your financial future. After all, finance is not just about numbers; it's about making those numbers work for you.


1. http://www.financialplanningassociation.org/sites/default/files/2020-07/Sin_Murphy_Lamas_July2019.pdf


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